|Top 5 Epic Moments in Halo|
For everyone who has played any Halo game or watched the show Halo Legends, then you will know for a fact that they all have epic moments that will always be remembered many years in the future. If they are not remembered, then those moments are probably not that epic. So this list will choose the top 5 epic moments in Halo. Just be aware that this article may contain spoilers so as always do not say I didn’t warn you. On with the list!
5. Destruction of The Ark- Halo 3
The grand finale of Halo 3 is the beautiful sight of the Ark being destroyed by firing an incomplete Halo ring killing the Covenant and the Flood on board the structures. You and the Arbiter escape by flying away on the UNSC Frigate “Forward Unto Dawn.” Well technically Master Chief escapes, just not to the place that was intended since the portal collapsed only taking half of the ship that the Arbiter was inside back to Earth.
Knowing that only Master Chief, Arbiter and Sgt. Johnson took on the Flood, killed 343 Guilty Spark, destroyed 2 Forerunner structures and killed an unbelievable amount of Covenant forces is amazing. It just shows how an awesome team doesn’t depend on the amount of people that are in the team.
4. Ghost Piloting The Prototype Suit- Halo Legends
The planet Algolis is being overrun by the Covenant, marines are being killed and evacuation ships are being shot down before they can even get off of the planet. By seeing those 2 marines stuck on the front lines, you get the impression that their death is inevitable, until the cliff side explodes only to see a giant suit fly down in front of them.
3. The Arbiter Fighting The Covenant Army- Halo Legends
Every Arbiter in the Covenant has been known to be an unbeatable warrior specifically chosen by the Prophets to perform special tasks and also take command of missions. Some examples are spending a year on a moon to study and tame the Lekgolo, bringing an end to the Grunt rebellion by glassing the Unggoys planet and many other special tasks.
2. Master Chief Destroying a Covenant Assault Carrier- Halo 2
After the first mission of Halo 2 after you disarm the bomb, something will have to be done to make the bomb useful, but no one expected the Chief to use it to take down an Assault Carrier. The Master Chief casually floated through space in the middle of a battle straight towards the Carrier with a giant and deadly bomb. Everyone that saw that thought that only Sierra 117 would be capable of performing that kind of action perfectly and what made it even better? After the destruction of the Carrier, he landed on the UNSC Frigate “In Amber Clad” to go down to New Mombasa.
1. Destruction of Installation 04- Halo: Combat Evolved
The best must be where it all begun. The first discovered Halo ring that is capable of wiping out all life within the galaxy. Installation 04 was discovered by accident by Captain Keyes onboard the Halcyon Class Cruiser “Pillar of Autumn” after making an emergency jump from the fallen planet Reach.
After learning the true purpose of the Halo ring and what it is capable of, the only way to sort it is to destroy the ring with everything on it including the horror discovered known as The Flood. By using the “Pillar of Autumn’s” overheated core, the explosion was so large that it took a chunk off of the Halo ring sending it flying to the other side of the Halo ring collapsing the entire ring itself. Chief’s last conversation with Cortana immediately told you that more is on the way, and that got everyone excited.
Do you agree with this list? What are your most favourite moments in Halo? Let us know in the comments and don’t forget to check out the rest of the website where there are lots more content for you to enjoy.